Posted: Desember 16, 2010 in Uncategorized

The situation of women in Islam is no problem. The attitude of the Qur’an and the early Muslims testifies to the fact that women are, at least as vital to life as man and is not inferior to him, or belongs to a lower species. If it were not for the influence of foreign cultures and the external impact, this issue never would not have arisen among the Muslims. It is assumed that the status of women is equal to that of men. It is so natural and obvious that no one considers an issue at all.

To understand what Islam has established for women, need not deplore the situation in pre-Islamic era or in the world today. Islam has given women rights and privileges, which has not ever enjoyed in other religious systems, or constitutional. So you can understand when studying the subject in comparative terms and in its entirety, not partially. The rights and responsibilities of women are equal to those of a man, though not necessarily identical to them. Equality and identity are two very different things. This difference is understandable because men and women are not identical, despite having been created equal. With this distinction, no problem. It is almost impossible to find two identical men or women.

The distinction between equality and identity becomes so important. Equality is desirable, just, reasonable, but not the identity. People are created equal, not identical. Given this difference, it is conceivable that women are inferior to men. There is no basis for believing that she is less important than men, because their rights are not identical to yours. If his condition had been identical, it would have been simply a copy of it, and not, the fact that Islam gives equal rights-but not identical, “indicating that the woman pays due consideration, recognized him and provides independent personality.

Not in the style of Islam view women as a product of the domain, or as a seed of evil. Nor does the Qur’an place man as the dominant lord woman, who is only the possibility of submitting to his rule. Nor was it Islam that introduced the question of whether or not the woman soul. Never in the history of Islam, a Muslim has doubted the humanity of women, or whether it has soul, and other fine spiritual qualities. Unlike other popular beliefs, Islam does not blame only on Eve’s original sin. The Koran makes it very clear that they were tempted both Adam and Eve, that the two sinners, God forgave went to both after their repentance, and that God addressed them jointly (2:235-36, 7:19-27; 20:117). The Qur’an actually gives the impression that Adam was more guilty of original sin, which led to prejudice against woman and suspicion in their works. But Islam does not justify such prejudice or suspicion, because Adam and Eve committed the same error and if we are to blame Eve we should blame Adam, to the same extent, or even (4).

The status of women in Islam is something unique, new, different to any other system. If we look to the world communist or democratic nations, we find that women are not really a lucky deals. Your situation is not enviable. You have to work hard to live, and sometimes doing the same job that a man, but his salary is lower. Enjoys a kind of freedom that in some cases amounts to libertinism. To reach what is now, she fought hard for decades and centuries. To win the right to education and freedom to work and earn, had to offer painful sacrifices and give up many natural rights. He paid a large sum to establish its status as possessing human soul. Notwithstanding all these costly sacrifices and painful struggles, has not acquired what Islam has established, by divine decree, for the Muslim woman.

The modern women’s rights were not granted voluntarily or as a show of kindness. Managed the situation by force and not just through natural processes, mutual consent or Divine teaching. She was obliged to force the pace as the development of events was favorable. The lack of manpower during wars, the pressure of economic needs and demands of industrial development required the woman to leave home, work, learn, fight for life, appear as equal to men, to participate in race of life, side by side with him. Was stimulated by the circumstances and, in turn, were encouraged to herself, acquiring a new position. It is different matter that all women were pleased with the development of these circumstances and indeed felt happy and satisfied with the results achieved, but the fact remains that all rights enjoyed by modern women are lower than their fellow Muslims. Islam has established for women which is adapted to its nature, gives full security, protection against unfortunate circumstances and uncertain paths of life. No need to dwell here on the current status of women, or the risks involved in making your own life, or trying to perform. Nor is it necessary to explore the miseries and difficulties that surround it, as a result of so-called women’s rights. Or try to manipulate the situation of many unhappy homes which break the “freedom” and “rights” which boasts a modern woman. Most women today exercise the right of freedom to walk alone to work and earn, to equip the man, but this, sadly, comes at the expense of their families. It’s so obvious that everyone knows it. What is unknown is the status of women in Islam. In the following passages try to sum up the attitude of Islam towards women.

1. Islam recognizes women as full and equal partner of the man in the procreation of humankind. He is the father, her mother, and both are essential for life. Their role is no less vital than that. For this reason, your participation is the same in all respects, she is entitled to the same rights and assume the same responsibilities in it so many qualities and humanity as their partner. God says concerning this equal participation in the reproduction of the human race

O mankind! Certainly We created you from a man and a woman and made you into nations and tribes that you may know (Qur’an 49:13 cf. 4:1).

2. Is equal to man, the common responsibilities and in receiving awards for their work. Is recognized as an independent person, possessed of human qualities and worthy of spiritual aspirations. Human nature is not inferior or different to that of men. Both are members one of another. God says:

Exordium their Lord, saying: “I never detract from the work of any of you, male or female, for go down one another” (3:195, cf. 8:71, 33:35-36, 66:19-21 .)

3. Are equal to men in search of education and wisdom. When Islam enjoins seek wisdom cough Muslims, no distinction between men and women. Nearly fourteen centuries ago, Muhammad declared that the pursuit of wisdom. When ordered to seek wisdom Islam to Muslims, no distinction between men and women. Nearly fourteen centuries ago, Muhammad declared that the pursuit of knowledge is incumbent on every Muslim, male and female. This statement was very clear, and implemented by Muslims throughout history.

4. You have the right to freedom of expression as well as men. Their views are considered wise, and can not be dismissed just because they come from females. Referred in the Qur’an and history that women not only expressed their opinion freely, but argued and participated in serious discussions with the Prophet and other Muslim leaders (Qur’an, 58:1-4, 60:10 – 12). In addition there were occasions when Muslim women expressed their views on legislative matters of public interest and opposed to the caliphs, who accepted the reasonable arguments of these women. A specific example took place during the Caliphate of Umar Ibn al-Khattab.

5. Historical data indicate that women participated in public life with the early Muslims, especially in times of emergency. Women used to accompany the Muslim armies who fell in battles to treat the wounded, prepare supplies, serve the warriors, etc. Were not shut behind iron bars, or they are considered worthless creatures, devoid of soul.

6. Islam gives women equal rights to contract, create businesses, earn and possess independently. Your life, your property, your honor are as sacred as those of men. If you commit an offense, his punishment is not greater or less than that of a man in similar circumstances. If you suffer damage or injury, receive any compensation due as a man in his situation (2:178; 4:45-92-93).

7. Islam does not link these rights in statistical form to rest later. Has taken steps to safeguard them and put them into practice as integral articles of faith. Never tolerate those who tend to hurt women, or to discriminate between men and women. The Koran criticizes, again and again, who used to believe that women were inferior to men (16:57-59-62, 42:47-50, 43:15-19, 53:21-23).

8. Apart from the recognition of women as independent human beings, accepted as equally essential for the survival of humanity, Islam has given him a share of the inheritance. Before Islam, not only was deprived of such participation, but was considered as property to be inherited by man. Apart from this concept of transferable property Islam considered heir acknowledging the inherent human qualities in women. Whether wife or mother, sister or daughter, receives a certain portion of the property of their deceased relatives, partly depending on their degree of relationship to the deceased and the number of heirs. This part is yours and nobody can take it, or deprive them of it. Although the deceased want to dispossess it, making a will in favor of other family members, or any other cause, the law does not allow it. Any owner is authorized to test the limit of one third of their property, so that it does not affect the rights of male and female heirs. In the case of inheritance applies fully the issue of equality and identity. In principle, both men and women are equally entitled to inherit the property of the deceased, but may vary receiving parties. Sometimes the man gets two parties while the woman only gets one. This is a sign that is not given preference or supremacy to man over woman.

The reasons why man gets more in these particular cases can be classified as follows:

First .- The man is the person solely responsible for the overall maintenance of your wife, your family and any other relatives in need. The law requires you to assume all financial responsibilities and properly maintain those who are in charge. It is also his duty to contribute financially to all good causes in society. All of the financial burdens are borne solely by him.

Second .- On the contrary, the woman has no financial liability, except for small personal expenses, luxurious things you want to have. Enjoy economic security and is maintained. If wife, the husband provides, if mother, child, if child, parent, and if sister, brother, etc., If cough has no family to depend on no problem of inheritance, because There is nothing to inherit and bequeath it to anyone. However, you can not starve, and the whole of society, the state, are obliged to maintain it. To help, or give a job to earn a living, and everything will get his money. It is responsible for keeping anyone besides herself. If I were a man who was in his situation, he should be responsible for the family and potential members who need your help. Therefore, in the most extreme situation, your financial responsibility is limited, while the man is unlimited.

Third .- When a woman receives less than a man, not the dispossessed of anything that worked. The property inherited is not the result of their profits and their efforts. It’s something that comes from a neutral source, something additional or extra. It’s something we did not fight neither man nor woman. It’s sort of help, and all aid is to be allocated according to the urgent needs and responsibilities, especially if the distribution is governed by the law of God.

Otherwise we have a male heir charged with all kinds of responsibilities and financial commitments. Furthermore, we have a female heir with no responsibility at all, or at most, very small. For them we have some assets and helps to distribute by way of inheritance. If completely destitute women, would be unfair to her because she is a relative of the deceased. Similarly, if we always give her an equal to man, it would be unfair to him. Thus, instead of being unfair to any of them Islam gives men a greater share of inherited property to help meet their family needs and social responsibilities. At the same time Islam has not forgotten the woman, since he gave a portion to meet their very personal. In fact, Islam is, in this regard, most gracious with her than with him. We say here that when taken together, the rights of women equal to men, although not necessarily identical (see Qur’an 4:11-14-176).

9. In some cases of attestation of certain civil contracts, it takes two men or one man and two women. Neither this indicates that women are inferior to men. It is a measure to ensure the rights of the contracting parties, because women generally are not experienced in practical life as man. This lack of experience could hurt any of the parties to a given contract. Therefore, the law requires that at least two women testify to a man. If you forget something, the other to be remembered. Or if you make a mistake, given the lack of experience, the other will help to correct. This is a precautionary measure to ensure adequate righteous deeds and dealings between individuals. Assigns women a role in civil life and helps to establish justice. In any case, the lack of experience in civil life does not necessarily mean that the status of women is lower than the male. Every human being lacks something, but it should not raise doubts about the human condition (282) (5).

10. Women enjoy certain privileges that no man. Is free from some religious duties, for example, prayer and fasting, in regular periods and delivery times. Is free to attend the mandatory meeting on Friday is free from any financial liability. As a mother, enjoys greater recognition and honor in the eyes of God (31:14-15), 46:15 &. The Prophet passed this honor when he declared that Paradise is under the feet of mothers. They are entitled to three-quarters of the love and care of the child, leaving him the father the remaining quarter. As a wife, is entitled to require the alleged husband a suitable dowry that will be his own. You are also entitled to receive full support and maintenance of the husband. Is not required to work or to share with her husband the family expenses. It is free to retain, after marriage, as previously possessed, and the husband has no right to their property. As a daughter or sister is entitled to security and support by the father and brother, respectively. That is a privilege of women. If you want to work self-sufficient and participate in managing family responsibilities, it is totally free to do so, provided they are safeguarded their integrity and honor.

11. That women are behind men in prayer does not indicate at all that is inferior to him. As already mentioned, women are free to attend the prayers that are obligatory community of man. But if you participate in them, is kept in separate rows formed exclusively by women. Just as the children are grouped in separate rows behind adults. It is a standard of discipline in prayer, not a ranking by importance. In the rows of men, the head of state pray shoulder to shoulder with the poor. The men belonging to higher social status are next to other men in the lowest categories. The order of rows in prayer seeks to help everyone focus on meditation. It is very important because Muslim prayers are not just sung or soniquetes. They involve actions, motions, standing, bowing, prostrating, etc.. If men mix with women in the same rows it is possible that something will annoy or distract their attention. The minds are occupied by something alien to prayer and meditation it away from abstraction. The result disturb the purposes of prayer and would be a sin of adultery committed by the eyes, because eyes – by looking at forbidden things-may be guilty of adultery, as well as the heart. Moreover, it is allowed to any Muslim, male or female, touching the body of another person of the opposite sex during prayer. If men and women are mixed can not avoid touching. Moreover, if a woman is praying in front of a man or beside you, it is possible to expose any part of your body dressed, after a certain motion of bowing or prostration. The man’s eyes may be watching the disturbing discovery that expose women and men to distraction or bad thoughts. Therefore, to avoid the embarrassment and distraction to help concentrate on meditation and pure thoughts, to maintain harmony and order among the worshipers, to fulfill the true purpose of prayer, Islam has ordained the organization row with the men occupying the front lines, behind them children and women and then children. Anyone with some knowledge of the nature and purposes of Muslim prayer quickly understand the wisdom of forming the rows of praying in this way.

12. Muslim women are always associated with an ancient tradition known as “the veil.” It is characteristic of Islam that women should veil embellished with honor, dignity, chastity, purity and integrity. Must be obtained from all acts and gestures that could shake the passions of those who are not your lawful husband, or to suspicion of their morality. It should not display her charms or expose her physical attractions before strangers. The veil to be made must be such as to protect his soul from weakness, her mind from indulgence, her eyes on the sexy looks and personality from demoralization. Islam is very concerned about the integrity of women, safeguarding their morale and spirit with the protection of his character and personality (cf. Qur’an, 24:30-31).

13. It is already clear that the conditions of women in Islam reached an unprecedented height and accommodates a realistic nature. Your rights and duties are equal to men, although not necessary or absolutely identical.

If you are the dispossessed of a thing in some respects, is fully compensated more in other aspects. That belongs to the female sex is irrelevant to the human condition or independent personality, and gives no basis to justify prejudice against her or injustice to him. Islam gives much as asked. Your rights are balanced perfectly with its obligations. Equality is maintained between the rights and duties, but some exceed others. The status of women is clearly in the Qur’anic verse which may result in these terms:

“The divorced shall wait three menses and is not lawful to conceal what Allah has created in her womb, if you believe in God and Judgement Day. In this situation, it is more convenient than their husbands readmit, whenever they want the reconciliation, and they have rights over them as they were on them, and men are a degree above them, because God is almighty, wise (2:228).

This grade is not the title of supremacy or an authorization to dominate it. Corresponds to the additional responsibilities and some compensation for his unlimited liabilities. The above-mentioned verse is always interpreted in the light of another (4:34) (6).

It is these extra responsibilities that give man a degree over woman in some economic aspects. This is not a degree in command, or in character. Nor does the dominance of one over another, or suppression of one another. It is a divine wealth distribution, according to the needs of nature, that God is Creator. And He knows very well what is good for women and what is good for man. God is absolutely infallible when he declares:

O, human! Fear your Lord who created you from a single being, which his wife created and sent down innumerable both men and women (4:1).

(4) See the above concept of sin in relation to this exhibition.

(5) It is interesting that a woman’s testimony in certain cases their experience is unique and decisive. It accepted the testimony of one who is not human and it is sufficient that only a woman also testify in contracts and commercial transactions is not a privilege but a duty (Qur’an, 2:282-283) to be met. If lightened by half the obligation of women is hardly a rejection of their rights, if it is a boon or a waiver.

(6) Compare the section “family life.”

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